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Yoga i dag
Astanga yoga in the mysore tradition – see timings: Mysore Led beginners
International Yoga Day
Begynd til Astanga yoga
Onsdage kl. 17 – begynd til Astanga yoga 50 kr Vi starter igen med ugentlige klasser mandage og onsdage kl. 17. Her kan du være med første gang for 50kr og vi vil lære dig åndedræt, solhilsener og stående stillinger. Du kan følge vores forløb på klasser for begyndere og øvede, hvor vi guider jer… Læs mere Begynd til Astanga yoga
Astanga yoga
It is believed the individual self, ātman, unites with or merges in the absolute self, brahman, by means of yoga (upanishadic) – but in sāṃkhya yoga, which is the metaphysical reference of the yoga sutra, it comes to be itself through extrication from nature, matter called prakṛti. Thus yoga which means „union‟ there comes to… Læs mere Astanga yoga
Eddie Stern
Workshop Thursday 3rd – Sunday 6th of November in Copenhagen Eddie Stern from New York city, certified teacher and founder of AYNY and Brooklyn Yoga Club, will teach an intensive workshop with led classes, Q&A and lectures sharing from his vast experience of yoga having spend more than 20 years learning from Guruji. – please… Læs mere Eddie Stern
Lakshmish Bhat – sanskrit, chanting and philosophy
CANCELLED – we are sorry to inform you that dear Lakshmish is not able to come as EU-visa has not been issued! Vidwan Lakshmish Bhat from KPJAYI in Mysore will be visiting our shala from 10th to 13th of May 2018. He will give lectures of chanting Astanga yoga mantras and explanations of… Læs mere Lakshmish Bhat – sanskrit, chanting and philosophy
Indian delights
Friday April 15th we will enjoy a dinner of delightful Indian dishes prepared by our shala-chef Morten Sau and his cooking-team. The menu will be: Moong dal kichari – ris og linseret Beetroot palya – rødbedesalat Tamatar ki chatni – tomatchutney Kakri raita – agurkeraita Sweets: Mixed fruit rasayana – frugtsalat
Opvisning af Susanna
Opvisning af yogastillinger lørdag 9. april kl. 13.30. Åbningstale af den indiske ambassadør kl. 12 på national-museet – kom og se hele programmet! Susanna’s opvisning på det Nordiske Yoga Mesterskab afholdes på Nationalmuseet lørdag 9. april og er arrangeret af Dansk Yoga Sportsforbund.. Billetter kan købes her Her er en lille video fra Susannas sidste opvisning:
Jens blogger hos
På Yatra, pilgrimsfærd, til Gangas udspring i Himalaya