Astanga Yoga of Copenhagen
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Sharathji teaching online 30th of May
The class will be held via Zoom at 11.30am CET
– på dansk!
Prisen er 250kr inkl. porto i DK.
Aṣṭāṅga Yoga Anusthāna omhandler og forklarer de første grene yama, niyama og āsana af den otte-grenede yoga. Bogen er skrevet af yogamesteren Śrī R. Sharath Jois og oversat til dansk af Jens Bache, stifter af Astanga Yoga of Copenhagen.
Det er en praksismanual med en udførlig gennemgang af alle stillinger i den første serie, i alt 45 stillinger, samt vejledning til nogle ekstra stillinger for terapeutiske formål.
Yogaen er forklaret med udgangspunkt i klassiske indiske sanskrit-tekster, hovedsageligt Yoga-sūtra, ligesom de til praksis tilhørende mantra er oversat direkte fra sanskrit af Jens Bache.
Bogen er trykt CO2 klima-neutraliseret!
Interview with Sharath Jois
Interview with paramaguru R. Sharath Jois from Mysore – by his students affectionately called Sharathji
English version
Danish version
Sharathji in Copenhagen 2019 –
take a look at the photos!
Sharathji ’19
Primary class
Sharathji ’15
Intermediate class
Jens teaches in Skodsborg and on Gl. Kongevej
Jens teaches led classes in Skodsborg on Saturdays and on Wednesdays on Gl. Kongevej. In this way he continues to share his knowledge and experience on the practice in and around Copenhagen.
Susanna teaches in Europe
Susanna is based in Rome and teaches shorter and longer courses and retreats to dedicated traditional shalas around Europe. She shares her knowledge and experience related to the practice around the mysore style teaching, complemented by talks on philosophy, yoga and chanting.

Contact us!
Jens is teaching in Skodsborg