Sri R. Sharath Jois
Sharath Jois was born on the 29. of September 1971 in Mysore. He is the son of Saraswati Rangaswamy, Guruji's daughter. At the age of 7 he started to learn asana, but it was nt until he was 17 he started his full practice. Every morning he would go across town to the shala of his grandfather to practice
As a 17 year old Sharath would get up every morning to go across town to his grandfather. He would do his practice under Guruji’s watch before the other students arrived.
In 1991 when he was 19 years old, he started assisting Guruji in the shala and on his travels around the world. Sharath continued to assist his grandfather for the next 16 years until Guruji stopped teaching in 2008.
Sharath took over the responsibility of the main shala. Now he is the one who carries on the tradition as the director of the KPJAYI, where hundreds of students practice under his wing.
Sharath is the most advanced Astanga Yoga practitioner in the world, and the only student of Pattabhi Jois who was taught and masters the full 6 series of Astang Yoga. He practices daily, in the morning before teaching. Additionally he teaches workshops around the world to meet the students who do not have the opportunity to come to Mysore.