Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
Guruji or Sri K. Pattabhi Jois was born on the 26. of July 1915 in the village of Kowshika just north of Mysore. He studies yoga under Sri T. Krishnamacharya from 1927 to 1954. He also studied sanskrit from 1930 at the university. Later he became a scholar in Advaita Vedanta and sanskrit
In 1937 the Maharaja appointed him to be the head of the Yoga Department at the Sanskrit University. He stayed in this position until his resignation in 1937.
In 1948 he founded the Astanga Yoga Research Institute – Astanga Yoga Nilaya, in Laksmipuram. The purpose was to teach yoga according to the traditional methods described by the Maharishis of the past. Furthermore, he wished to explore the healing values by yoga, as they have been spoken of in the ancient texts.
Pattabhi Jois’ aim with the teachings of yoga was to promote a healthy philosophy of life and the enable the students to reach a higher level of mental koncentration and balance.
He taught almost till the end, In 2009 he passed away, 94 years old. His great joy from being around his many students in the shala in Mysore and at workshops around the world, always showed through warm smile and caring being.